carrie-inspired drawing

5.5 x 8.5 inches


prismacolour pencil crayons, marker, sharpie, dandelions

created during a time of internal frustration and feelings of my stomach being full of twists and turns 

may 5 


11 x 8.5 inches 

watercolour paint, black pen

this was created for a pen pal. an expression of how i felt on may 5, 2021

it's late 

5.5 x 8.5 inches


black pen, sharpie, markers

drawn throughout the late nights in summer of 2021 when talking to a summer fling

tree thing 

5.5 x 8.5 inches



how I felt that day, a long limbed character with colourful flowers growing out of their arms 

november weirdness


11 x 8.5 inches

acrylic paint, oil pastel, pencil crayon, marker

this was created during quarantine in november 2020.

depicts the weird, lonesome feelings and sensations i felt then 

glued together

11 x 8.5 inches


watercolour pencil crayons, marker, ink stamps, pen

this piece emerged from heartbreak

i dont want your ego anymore

8.5 x 5.5 inches


black pen, pencil crayon

created when i was feeling socially overwhelmed and felt as if i was being spoon-fed egos

i like to cry  


11 x 8.5 inches 

oil pastels, paint markers

this was created during a time of very intense feelings and sensory overload

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